Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Confirmation

Things are moving at light-speed at Redeemer! Check out these upcoming events, along with details to help you know how to participate.

Ash Wednesday

We will have an Ash Wednesday liturgy on February 17 at 6:00 pm in the nave and simultaneously streamed online. Please observe all safety protocols, including sitting in "Reserved" pews only, wearing masks, and no singing if you plan to attend.

During the morning commute and at the lunch hour, Andrew will also offer "Ashes-to-Go" on the corner of Monticello and Church St. (near the bell). Just pull your car beside Cannon Hall and get some ashes to go!

Lenten Study

During Lent, we will read The Practice of the Presence of God by famed 17th century Carmelite, Brother Lawrence. You may purchase an inexpensive copy for yourself (link here), or you can get one of the fifteen copies the church has pre-ordered.

Confirmation/Inquirer’s Class

This class is designed for those seeking the Rite of Confirmation before the Bishop visits Redeemer later this year ~AND~ those interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or considering joining Redeemer.

That said, this class is a safe space to ask questions, learn, and explore your faith, among others on a similar path. There are no weird questions, but possibly some weird answers…

If you are interested in Confirmation, Reaffirmation, Reception, or Baptism, please contact Andrew.

Classes will meet via Zoom.

February 24

March 3

March 10

Mar 17 (no meeting)

March 24

Fr. Andrew McLarty