

1867 The Church of the Redeemer was founded and organized by the Fanny Archer and Thomas Meade family.

1868 - May 10 founding date – Bishop Wm. M. Green baptizes and confirms one.  Church held in Methodist or Presbyterian buildings.

1878 Cornerstone of first Church of the Redeemer laid at E. Monticello and First Streets on a lot donated by Captain Hoskins, a Methodist.  Yellow Fever epidemic devastated Mississippi River Valley.  No priest served Redeemer for 9 years (1879-88).

1910-16 The Rev. William M. Cross started one of the first Boy Scout Troops in America.  LL Parsons house and lot purchased for $3500 for vicarage (corner of W. Monticello & Church Streets = Cannon Hall).

1926-1947 The Rev. Homer Bush.  21 Years--longest in the ministry of the Redeemer.  Served Crystal Springs and Hazlehurst, too.  Fred Cannon drove Fr. Bush every Sunday.

1936 Memorial service for George V held at Redeemer.

1947 Church and lot sold to Mr. Entrican, auto dealer. (Additional lot next to vicarage purchased.) 

1965 Ralph Smith bought Entrican bldg., converted to office building. 

1947-50 The Rev. William V. Albert.

1948 Cornerstone of new church laid.

1949 New church dedicated.

1951 House located at 420 W. Minnesota St. purchased for new vicarage. (Remodeled & expanded in 1966; renovated mid-1990s.)

1952-56 The Rev. Robert L. Saul.  

First to live in new vicarage; old one was torn down.  

1955  Present Parish House  (Cannon Hall) constructed.

1962-64 The Rev. Arnold Bush.

May 22, 1963 Ordained at Redeemer

Civil rights era; maintained non-confrontational approach.

1967-77 The Rev. Edward S.T. Hale.  Bishop Allin (later presiding bishop) assigned Hale and 2 deacons to serve 5 churches (Crystal Springs, Hazlehurst, Brookhaven, McComb & Magnolia).  Last two still yoked.

1972 New Rogers organ purchased; placed in choir loft.

1974 Sacristy built.  Rose window in west end.  

1977-81 The Rev. Eugene Moritz.

Parish hall remodeled.  1978 Halloween carnival.  Fr. Moritz took youth to EYC activities.

1982-94 The Rev. Fred Reese.

Organized a community food pantry funded by FEMA

Sue Minter organized Advent music programs.

1984  20 Stained Glass Windows commissioned and completed by Mr. William Lauderdale.  New church carpet is blue.

1989 120 N. Church St. (house and lot) purchased by Church for $40K.  1992 house is sold and moved.

1990 Meditation Garden (in memory of Julia Smith Hewes) built.

1992 Parish House addition constructed.  

1995-2000 The Rev. William “Buck” Lea. 

Vestry retreat, asked for goals. Church membership tripled.  

1996 Became a parish (self-supporting)

1998-2000 Expanded Cannon Hall; built church out to original design.  Purchased Wamope building; parking lot created.  Rector’s BBQ community events (revived 2018).  Live music.  Kid activities.  Hospitality Committee; Caregiver Committee.

2000-10 The Rev. E. Gene Bennett.

2002 Angels Attic founded

2005 Bell tower constructed; memorial bricks at base.

--Mardi Gras Gumbo fundraiser. 

--Laurence Wainwright and Katie & Jarod Lee, youth directors.

--David Simmons organized bus trips.

--Mike Said suggests to Bud Urban he purchase lot east of church, take out old Texaco station.  This became Trinity Park.

--Columbarium installed; most spaces sold.

2010-2019 The Rev. Anne Matthews (granddaughter of H.E. Bush)

2012 Trinity Park completed and dedicated.  Site of wedding receptions, noon concerts, etc. New Allen digital organ donated; Durr replaced Norma as organist in 2011. Columbarium expanded.

2013 Additional building purchased for Angels Attic.

2014 Church debt retired.

2015 Youth & Chapel Committee began meeting.

2020-present The Rev. W. Andrew McLarty.

2020 Rebranded Redeemer’s logo and rebuilt the website and social media platforms. Began online and digital worship during the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic.