
The three Christian virtues outlined in 1 Corinthians 13:13 are Faith, Hope, and Love. Typically, these three virtues are a framework for our life as Christians: our faith gives us hope for the future, and our natural response to that knowledge is an outpouring of the same kind of love that God and Christ have for us.

The past sixteen months have required a unique expression of faith, hope, and love. Changing modes of worship altered our expression of faith, the length of the pandemic darkened our hope, and distance made it harder to show our love for one another in times of joy and sorrow.

However, I am glad to report that with the new CDC guidelines and updated directives from Bishop Seage, our life at Redeemer is returning to many of the ways we remember it.

Please read Bishop Seage's letter (attached) because it goes into much more detail. Be aware that fully vaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks or physically distance indoors or outdoors at Redeemer. 

If you are vaccinated, remember that small children are not yet eligible for the shot, so please give those families some space when finding a pew.

We will still provide marked "reserved" space for those who are not fully vaccinated to keep their distance and wear masks.  

Yes, we can now sing, so please make a joyful noise unto the Lord! The Almighty gave you your intended voice, so sing loud and proud.

I will still wear my mask during the distribution of communion.

Probably most importantly, if you have not gotten vaccinated, please consider doing so. If you need help finding a location or getting to an appointment, please let a friend or me know.

If you have any questions, please email andrew@redeemerbrookhaven.com

In faith, hope, and love,

Fr. Andrew+

The Bishops Letter

Fr. Andrew McLarty